Educational Trainings - Ausbildungsgänge Sandra Ulrich


Certificate Course: ARC Trauma Treatment for Children and Adolescents (i. A. Abschluss Ende 24)

Trauma Research Foundation's Certificate Program in Traumatic Stress Studies 70 CE

(Completed March 2024)
- The Field Guide for Barefoot Psychology: Making Psychoeducation Relevant and Scalable across Cultures (Vivian Khedari-DePierro, PhD
Michael Niconchuk, MSc)
- Trauma Assessment of Children and Adults (Alexandra Cook, PhD)
- Childhood Trauma: Impact and Long-Term Consequences (Bessel van der Kolk, MD)
- The Scope of Trauma Treatment: From Acute Interventions to Restoration of Self-Experience (Bessel van der Kolk, MD)
- Introduction to ARC: The Attachment, Regulation, and Competency Model (Margaret Blaustein, PhD)
- ARC & Supporting Regulation in Childhood (Margaret Blaustein, PhD)
- Trauma Through the Lens of Polyvagal (Theory Stephen Porges, PhD, Bessel van der Kolk, MD)
- We Do Not Work Alone: Implementing and Sustaining Trauma-informed Systems (Patricia Wilcox, LCSW)
- SMART: Sensory Motor Arousal Regulation Treatment  (Elizabeth Warner, EdM, PsyD, Alexandra Cook, PhD)
- Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice (Pat Ogden, PhD)
- Trauma, PTSD, and the Mind-Body Relationship (Matthew Sanford)
- Embodied Awareness (Licia Sky, BFA)
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy: A Model for Accelerated Change (Deborah Korn, PsyD)
- Trauma Processing with Children (Michele Henderson, LICSW)
- Making Connections: The Neuropsychology of Sandplay Therapy in the Treatment of Trauma (Lorraine Freedle, LCSW, PhD, ABPdN, ABSNP, CST-T)
- Use of Play and Activity to Support Trauma-informed Treatment (Steven Gross, MSW)
- The Importance of Play in the Treatment of Trauma (Dafna Lender, LCSW)
- The DE-CRUIT Monologue Method: Treating Trauma Through Narrative Embodiment (Stephan Wolfert, MFA, Dawn Stern)
- Working with Problematic Sexual Behavior in Children & Youth by John Ebert & Tarah Kuhn (Tarah Kuhn, PhD, Jon Ebert, PsyD)
- Internal Family Systems (Richard Schwartz, PhD)
- The Use of Internal Family Systems Model in Trauma Treatment (Frank Anderson, MD)
- Trauma & Altered States of Consciousness (Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD, FRCPC)
- Implementing a Trauma-Informed Approach in Community, Hospital and Low-Income Settings (Janina Fisher, PhD)
- Trauma-informed, Spiritually aware: Considering spirituality in holistic self and client care (Jana Pressley, Psy.D.)
- Caring for the Caregiver: Vicarious Trauma (Jana Pressley, Psy.D.)
- Neurofeedback Training as an Alternative Non-pharmaceutical Treatment Modality for Development Trauma ( Ainat Rogel, PhD, MSW, LCSW
- Diana Martinez, MD, MSc, PhD, BNC)
- The Future of Trauma Interventions (Bessel van der Kolk, MD)

Understanding Trauma: Foundations Bessel van der Kolk, MD
- The Complexity of Adaptation to Trauma (Jana Pressley, Psy.D.)
- The Nature of Trauma: Developmental Neurobiology, Neuroimaging Research and Effective Intervention (Bessel van der Kolk, MD)
- Neurobiology of Trauma Treatment: EMDR and New Research Directions (Bessel van der Kolk, MD)
- Adult Attachment Relationships (Jana Pressley, Psy.D.)
- The Roles Intersectionality & Cultural Humility Play When Working with Diverse Client Populations (Gary Bailey, MSW, ACSW)

34th Annual Boston International Trauma Conference
-The Basic Concepts and Practice of Psychodrama and Sociometrics (Featuring Tian Dayton)
- From Empathic Distress to Compassion: Building Resilience in the Face of Trauma (Featuring Tania Singer and Ron Siegel)
Innovative Treatments (Featuring Bethany Brand, Licia Sky, Andrés González, Ali Smith, Atman Smith, and Cathy Malchiodi)
Healing Attachment Wounds and Trauma Using PBSP (Featuring Gus Kaufmann)
The Brave New World of Psychedelic Assisted Therapies: Promises and Pitfalls (Featuring Bessel van der Kolk, Jim Hopper, Susan Walker, Francis Guerriero, Rheinila Fernandes, and Elizabeth Call)
- Keynote | Psychological Trauma Underlying Mental Processes (Featuring Gabor Maté and Richard Schwartz)


  • 1. Nationale Konferenz für Opferbelange in der Schweiz

  • Reflexology Diploma
    Centre of Excellence (150 CPD hr. points)


  • Peter Levin - "Healing Trauma"
    Main Topics:

    - Trauma and Its Effects on the Body
    - The Main Categories of Traumatic Reactions

- Fight, Flight, and the Immobility Response

- The Relationship between Trauma and Spirituality

- Transforming Trauma

- The Image of the Fist

- Live Session with Peter A. Levine, PhD

- The Twelve Concepts of Somatic Experiencing

- The Basic Concepts of Somatic Experiencing, Six through Twelve

- Helpful Tips and Techniques for Preventing Trauma

- Trauma Prevention for Children

- Societal Trauma

- Personal Empowerment

- Live Sessions with Peter A. Levine, PhD

  • Somatic Embodiement & Regulation Strategies - Level III, with Linda Thaj (3 CE)
  • Somatic Embodiment & Regulation Strategies - Level II, with Linda Thaj (3 CE)
  • Somatic Embodiment & Regulation Strategies - Level 1, with Linda Thaj (3 CE)

  • Mindful, Trauma-Informed Yoga, with Ann Bortz (Yoga Medicine, 2 hr)


  • September 2020 - "Experiencing the Body Keeps the Score" 5 day Live-Conference, Bessel van der Kolk (20 CE)
  • May 2020 - 31st Annual International Trauma Conference, USA (20 CE)
- Mapping Out the Transformative Effects of Mind-Altering Substances: MDMA Ketamine and Psilocybin for Treating PTSD and Other Mental Distress
- Trauma and the Restoration of the Self: Integrating Fundamental Discoveries in Neuroscience with Embodied Self-Awareness and Mindfulness
- Biological Underpinnings of Early-Life Stress: From Mechanisms to Novel Approaches for the Developmental Programming of Lifelong Health
- Smoking Cigarettes, Eating Glass: One Psychologist’s Story
- The Emergence of a Polyvagal-Informed Therapy: Harnessing Neuroception of Safety in Clinical Treatment
- Treatment at the Interface of Addiction and Trauma
- Disrupted Caregiving Relationships vs. Traumatic Stress: Treatment Implications of Their Differential Effects on the Development of Self, Mind and Brain
Rhythms and Regulation: Innovative Approaches to Brain and Body During a Time of Immobilization

- Eliminating Barriers to Access Healing from the Trauma of Identity-Based Social Inequalities Using a Peer Counseling (ReEvaluation Counseling) Model

- Designing Trauma-Informed Interventions for Youth at the Grassroots Level: A Practical Toolkit for Bringing Research to Practice

- Come to Your Senses: Establishing & Regaining Body Awareness

+ several live panel discussions

  • May 2019 - EACCME - European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education

Sandra Urlich has been awarded 16 European CME Credits (ECMEC ® s)
for her attendance at:
16th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care Berlin, Germany, 23/05/2019 - 25/05/2019

(Sandra Ulrich was trained in the USA to educate about the therapeutic concept of SOUL INJURY® here in Europe. In addition, she wrote a Certified Advanced Study (CAS) on SOUL INJURY® at the University of Berne. She also completed certified trainings in Palliative Care and End of Life Care. At the University of Berne, she was able to specialize her training in the field of Spiritual Care. Her abstract was presented at the EAPC 16th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care in Berlin , Germany 2019).

  • Schweiz 2017 – 2018 Universität in Bern, Schweiz

CAS Spiritual Care
(Theologische, Medizinische und Psychologische Fakultät)
(15 ECTS Credits)

  • CAS Studienlehrgang "Spiritual Care" Universität in Bern, Schweiz    
  • B-Modul 44 - Der Umgang mit vertraulichen Informationen in der Seelsorge: Seelsorge-Geheimnis/Dokumentation            

  • 2019 Spiritual Care Association, USA
  • When it's time to say goodbye: CE 35 credited education hours
  • Spiritual Care Generalist
2016-2018 Hospice Foundation of America, USA
(each listed topic certified with 2.5 CE credits)

  • Beyond Kübler-Ross: New Perspectives on Death, Dying and Grie
  • End-of-Life-Ethics
  • Spirituality and End-of-Life Care
  • Traumatic and Sudden Loss
  • Living With Grief: Before and After the Death
  • Diversity and End of Life Care
  • Cancer and End-of-Life Care
  • Supporting Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental
  • Disabilities Through Serious Illness, Grief and Loss
  • Managing Conflict/Finding Meaning – Supporting Families at Life’s End
  • Artificial Nutrition and Hydration at the End of Life
  • The Longest Loss: Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
  • Helping Adolescents Cope with Loss
  • Improving Care for Veterans Facing Illness and Death
  • PTSD and Trauma Integration
  • Liberating Unmourned Loss: Restoring Wholeness after Soul Injury
  • Soul Injury: Liberating Unmoured Loss and Unforgiven Guilt
HFA - Webinars, Hospice Foundation of America, USA
(each listed topic certified with 1.5 CE credits)

  • Attachment Theory and Grief Support
  • Creative and Therapeutic Rituals
  • Innovative Techniques for Managing Grief Groups
  • Grief After Self-Inflicted Causes of Death
  • Dignity Therapy
  • Hospice in the Nursing Home
  • Grief Surges
  • Expectations are Everything
  • Traumatic and Sudden Loss
  • Managing Conflict/Finding Meaning
  • When Death and Loss are Part of the Job
  • Understanding Death With Dignity Legislation
  • Soul Injury: Liberating Unmourned Loss and Unforgiven Guilt
  • Parenting After a Death
2018 Weiterbildung Opus Peace-Tampa, USA
  • Leadership Programm „Soul Injury“
  • Webinar: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Soul Injury: The Aftermath of War that Complicate Peaceful Dying
  • Webinar: Suicide and Soul Injury: Part I and II with Stephanie Turner
  • Webinar: Creative Cocooning with Leann Thrapp
2015 – 2017 - Zertifizierte Weiterbildungen
im Weiterbildungszentrum der Universität in Zürich, Schweiz

  • Palliative Care in der Grundversorgung Level A2; Lebensqualität und Autonomie in der ambulanten und stationären Langzeitpflege
  • Man müsste über alles reden können: Kommunikative und psychosoziale Kompetenzen in Palliative Care
  • Was die Seele gesund hält: Grundwissen der Gesundheitspsychologie, Salutogenese und Resilienzforschung
  • "Leben bis zuletzt". Palliative Care Organisationsethik
  • "Mehr Leben als Du ahnst!". Palliative Care in der Grundversorgung

2005– 2008 Modul IAK, Zug (heute Fachstelle BKM Bildung-Katechese-Medien)
(mit Zertifikat)
- Advanced Certified Training - Katechetin Modul IAK (Diplom)

Besuchte Tagesseminare
- Resilienz – entdecken von Widerstandskräften in schweren Belastungen, Schweiz
- Leben bis zuletzt und in Frieden sterben, Schweiz

Tagesseminar University of South Florida, USA
- CONGRESS: LET'S TALK, Movie Screening, Moral Injury Convening & Suicide Prevention Training, University of South Florida, USA

Netzwerklounge präsentiert von Palliativ Zug
- Thema: Spiritual Assessment? Anspruchsvoll - aufwändig - aber notwendig
- Thema: Fallbeispiel aus einem Akutspital Zug